At, we are dedicated to ensuring that all advertisements displayed on our platform are compliant with community standards and advertising guidelines.
We understand the importance of maintaining a high-quality and trustworthy environment for our readers and advertisers.
This policy outlines our ad review process to ensure transparency and adherence to the rules set by advertising platforms such as Facebook.
1. Submission of Ads
When submitting an advertisement for review, advertisers must provide:
- The complete ad copy, including headlines, descriptions, and any call-to-action.
- Any associated images, videos, or other media.
- The target landing page URL.
2. Compliance Requirements
All submitted ads must comply with:
- Community Standards: Ads must respect the platform’s standards regarding respectful communication, authenticity, and protection of users.
- Prohibited and Restricted Content Policies: Ads must not contain content related to prohibited topics such as adult content, violent imagery, misleading information, or illegal products and services.
- Facebook Advertising Guidelines: Ads must adhere to Facebook’s specific advertising policies, including those regarding content, targeting, and landing pages.
3. Ad Review Steps
The ad review process involves the following steps:
- Initial Screening: Our team reviews the ad to ensure that it meets basic submission requirements.
- Content Review: We carefully evaluate the ad copy and media to ensure compliance with our policies and advertising platform guidelines.
- Landing Page Review: The target landing page is checked for:
- Relevance to the ad content.
- Compliance with community standards.
- Absence of prohibited content, pop-ups, or misleading information.
- Final Approval: If the ad meets all requirements, it is approved and scheduled for publishing.
4. Review Timeline
We aim to review all ads within 24-48 hours of submission. However, in some cases, the review process may take longer, depending on the volume of submissions and the complexity of the ad.
5. Rejection and Re-submission
If an ad is rejected, the advertiser will be notified with the reason for rejection. Common reasons for rejection include:
- Violation of prohibited content policies.
- Misleading or exaggerated claims.
- Non-compliance with landing page requirements.
Advertisers may correct the issues and resubmit the ad for review. Our team will prioritize re-submitted ads to ensure a faster turnaround.
6. Appeals Process
If an advertiser believes that their ad was rejected in error, they may appeal the decision by contacting our support team. Appeals will be reviewed by a senior member of our team, and a final decision will be provided within 3 business days.
7. Continuous Monitoring
Even after approval, all ads are subject to continuous monitoring. If an ad is found to violate our policies after publishing, it may be removed, and the advertiser will be notified. Repeat violations may result in:
- Temporary suspension of advertising privileges.
- Permanent ban from submitting ads on our platform.
8. Reporting Non-Compliant Ads
Users are encouraged to report any ads they believe violate our policies. Reports can be submitted directly through our contact form, and our team will investigate promptly.